FAQ — The Columbia Junior Science Journal

Who may submit?

High school students from anywhere in the world are welcome to make their submission by September 30, 2024.

What types of papers may I submit?

From our “Purpose” section on our home page: high school students may submit in the fields of natural sciences, physical sciences, engineering, and social sciences.

May I submit multiple papers?

No. Please submit only your strongest paper for consideration.

Where can I find formatting guidelines and the appropriate template for my paper?

Please refer to our “Guidelines” page. At the very bottom, you will find files you can download that are exactly indicative of the template we use to publish papers in the final volume.

Do I still have to submit a Permission to Publish Form if I am submitting a review article?

Yes, if you are submitting a review article, you should still fill out the “Permission to Publish Form,” but you may leave the sections pertaining to PI/mentor information blank.

Can my multi-page paper be published?

We accept original research papers that fit our two to three page limit and review articles that fit a four to five page limit (please see the Guidelines tab for more information). The aim of CJSJ is to exhibit high school researchers whose research quality goes above and beyond what is expected and who are able to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely.

Do you accept team papers with multiple authors?

Yes. In fact, individual authors should list any collaborators and mentors they worked with. However, teams must choose one primary author who will submit the paper. Only the primary author is allowed to submit the paper on behalf of the team. Repeat submissions by co-authors will result in a delay in application status and potential disqualification from publication. Include the names of all authors on the paper and in the "Personal Biography" section of the submission portal. There is no limit to team size.

Submit only one permission form for your entire team, signed by the primary author and the PI/teacher.

When will I hear back from CJSJ on the success of my application?

Due to the volume of submissions, you will receive progressive notifications on the status of your application in mid-November (semifinalists) and mid-December (finalists). Continue to check our tentative timeline on the home page.


May I submit if I have already graduated high school?

No. In the past, we considered submissions by recent graduates who conducted research while they were enrolled in high school. However, due to the overwhelming number of submissions we receive from high school students, we no longer accept submissions by high school graduates.

What citation/reference format should I use for my paper?

We use a numbered bracketed citation style, which is consistent with the IEEE reference style.

Is resubmission allowed?

Yes, if your paper was rejected from a previous volume of CJSJ, you are permitted to submit your paper again in the current application cycle.


I noticed some restrictions on the Permission Form. Can I still use my research data for future publications and science fairs?

Yes, absolutely. Our Permission Form ensures that the specific paper you submit to CJSJ may not be reproduced in other journals or submitted to other journals if accepted for publication. You as the author retain copyright to the work, and you can feel free to use your data in future endeavors. The reproduction restrictions only apply if your paper is selected as one of the finalists and is published in CJSJ.


The website suggests that my paper should be communicated to laymen and scientists. Should I avoid using technical terms?

Writers can feel free to use scientific or technical terms, but they must make sure to define terms and assume that their audience is unfamiliar to their field.


Where can I learn more about the Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal?

Please visit cusj.columbia.edu. You can also like us on Facebook by searching for the "Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal” and Instagram by searching “CUSJ.”

How can I stay in the loop?

Sign up for our mailing list, which you can do here or on our home page.

How can I contact CUSJ with questions?

Email cusj@columbia.edu.